Friday, June 22, 2007

Sitkinak (Kodiak)

We are flying from Akhiok to Sitkinak for some maintenance. Sitkinak is a small island south of Akhiok near Kodiak Island. A rancher lives over there with a bunch of cows. It’s about a 15 minute ride.

Max and Dörte getting ready to weld the solar panels on.

Our enclosure with the GPS receiver and radio that shoots to our VSAT (internet connection) over at Akhiok across the water.

Our site at Sitkinak from the helicopter. Solar panels blown off, battery chest exposed, batteries dead.

Staring off into space…

The helicopter couldn’t shut down up at the site because it was too windy so he had to go lower on the mountain. We unloaded at the site with the rotors still going, that was intense unloading while the blades were still turning. Stay low.

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